Grief, Trauma and Attachment: An Integrated Approach to Perinatal Loss

Perinatal Training Centre has developed an Integrated Perinatal Bereavement Therapy training that is comprehensive, trauma-responsive, attachment-based, and developmentally-inclusive.   

Firmly embedded in the specialist field of perinatal and infant mental health, our training program uniquely knits together four dominant paradigms of practice:

  • Grief theory and therapy
  • Trauma and traumatic bereavement
  • Attachment theory and therapy
  • Developmental psychology

We pull from theory, research, and clinical wisdom to leverage theoretically sound, evidence-based and clinically-rich formulations that match the real-life complexity of the clients you support.

Our training program includes 24-hrs of Continuing Professional Development.
‘Live’ online immersive workshop meetings are complimented by pre-recorded lectures.

Perinatal loss is like no other form of loss.  Birth and death join in a way that does not fit our understanding of natural order.

The field of perinatal loss is a vast landscape covering preconception and assisted conception issues, early and late miscarriage, termination including termination for medical reasons (TFMR), prematurity, stillbirth and neonatal death.

Perinatal loss is more than the loss of a baby. A baby is not only gestated in utero but is also gestated in mind: when a baby dies, so too do the hopes and dreams attached to that baby.  In addition, due to the under-acknowledged nature of perinatal loss societally, the grief experience becomes disenfranchised. Subsequently, feelings of shame, guilt and isolation arise.

Pregnancy or infant loss is enormously impactful to parents, leaving them on shaky, uncertain ground. World assumptions have been shattered. Perinatal loss challenges a woman’s fertile self-image, leaving her to question her capacity to create, gestate and deliver something alive and good.

“A baby is not only gestated in utero, but is also gestated in mind…when a baby dies, so too do the hopes and dreams attached to that baby.”

Working with families bereaved from pregnancy and infant death can be harrowing.  The emotionally-charged nature of perinatal loss lands the clinician squarely in the territory of unbearable, intolerable and unspeakable aspects of human experience.  The clinician is required to join with their patient/client to bear the unbearable, tolerate the intolerable and find words for the unspeakable experiences that occur when a pregnancy ends and a baby dies.

Our two-fold program

1.    Immersive workshop meetings – live and online

10 x 2-hr weekly meetings

Live workshop meetings are facilitated by two or more of the Training Team, where the emphasis is on therapeutic frames, formulation and intervention at an advanced level.

Content includes:

  • Perinatal Loss as universal and unique
  • Perinatal Loss as disenfranchised
  • Models of Grief
  • Trauma and traumatic bereavement
  • Relational Frames of Practice: Adult Attachment Applied to Perinatal Loss
  • Developmental Frames of Practice: Applying the Motherhood and Fatherhood Mindsets
  • Mentalization: capacities, self-regulation and meaning making
  • Pregnancy after loss
  • Parenting after loss
  • Applying the Nested Model for Integrated Perinatal Intervention
  • Attachment-informed, trauma-responsive perinatal grief therapy approach
  • Three original in-depth Case Studies applying our Integrated Perinatal Bereavement Model
  • Integration and Reformulation of own case
  • Clinician self-care and supervision
  • Core capacities of the attachment-informed, trauma-responsive perinatal grief therapist
  • Bringing it all together – Reflections and questions

The weekly frequency of live meetings allows for a regular digestion of content and process, while providing opportunity for the application of material in your therapy work between meetings.

Live training and participation is key to learning. Reflecting together on this difficult and stirring material allows for strengthening of the ‘reflective muscles’ necessary for the therapeutic work in perinatal bereavement. Pre-recorded, or on-demand training, while useful for access to information, cannot replicate this necessary experiential learning required for therapists.

2.    Video lectures – view between weekly meetings

Approx. 4-hrs total

Pre-recorded lectures compliment the live meetings and orient participants to concepts that are then explored and expanded as a group in the workshops.

Content includes:

  • Orientation to the field of grief and perinatal loss
  • Models of Grief
  • Relational Frames of Practice: Adult Attachment Styles
  • Developmental Frames of Practice: Motherhood and Fatherhood Mindsets
  • Developmental Frames of Practice: Gestating the Baby in Mind
  • Nested Model for Integrated Perinatal Intervention

Participants are invited to actively reflect on the material as it is relevant to the families and communities they serve, to personalise the information and optimise the training experience.

“Working with families bereaved from pregnancy and infant loss is harrowing – it requires bearing the unbearable alongside them. Our training program positions you to hold the complexities of difficult experiences and create a containing psychological nest for your patients to experience and make sense of their grief.”   ~ Dr Bronwyn Leigh

More information by clicking on the various tab headings above.

Price: Price $1985; $1785 for PIMH Intensive alumni Duration: 24-hrs Format: Live online + pre-recorded video lectures

2025 Dates

When & Where – 2025 Dates

This training package will be available in Live Online format only during 2025


Weekly frequency at 12noon-2:00pm AEST/AEDT

  1. 31 July (AEST)
  2. 07 August (AEST)
  3. 21 August (AEST)
  4. 28 August (AEST)
  5. 11 September (AEST)
  6. 18 September (AEST)
  7. 16 October (AEDT)
  8. 23 October (AEDT)
  9. 30 October (AEDT)
  10. 06 November (AEDT)

Facilitators: Dr Bronwyn Leigh, Dr Charise Deveney & Carla Anderson

Perinatal loss is heartbreaking on so many levels. The experience brings some couples closer together, but for others, it can tear them apart. Working with a counsellor or therapist who is sensitive to different ways of grieving that are unique to each parent is key. This training is essential for anyone working in this space.”

Elly Taylor
Founder of Becoming Us Sydney, Australia
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