Observe, Reflect, Respond: An Introduction to Reflective Practice and Supervision

A ‘relationship-based and reflective’ approach has long been synonymous with programs serving children and families. Yet this approach can only truly exist within organizations committed to equity and belonging in the workplace and community. Reflective practice creates brave space for frontline staff to think on their work, its impact on those they serve, as well as on themselves.

This interactive virtual training provides two half-days and 7 hours of highly interactive, experiential learning for providers in health and human services, including mental health, early childhood education, and home visitation.

Utilizing video, journaling, breakout activities, and real-time demonstrations, participants will develop a framework for understanding trauma-informed, equity-centered, resilience-focused reflective practice and supervision, including exploration of parallel process, mindful self-regulation, use of reflective questions to discover deeper contexts, differentiating therapy and supervision, and recognizing the importance of reflective capacity in building relational security.

This highly interactive, experiential training is developed for providers in health and human services, including mental health, early childhood education, and home visitation.

This training is for clinicians/practitioners/service providers.
Supervisors and leaders are encouraged to explore the Foundations of Reflective Supervision and Leadership training.

Stable internet connection with camera and sound is required. The Zoom platform is used.

As this is a post-graduate level training, experience in mental health work is assumed.

Diane Reynolds, LMFT, is a trainer, consultant, coach, and facilitator dedicated to advancing trauma- and equity-informed reflective practice, supervision, and leadership. A California Center endorsed Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Reflective Practice Facilitator with over 28 years in the field, she created the Mindful Parenting Groups model in 2001. Over two decades, she introduced this relationship-focused parent-infant group model to Early Head Start, the child welfare community, and mothers with co-occurring disorders, in Southern California and Queensland, Australia. Diane launched Reflective Praxis Consulting in 2017 to support growing need for professional development, organizational consultation, implementation support, and coaching in reflective practice, supervision, and leadership. She has introduced these transformative practices in primary and secondary educational settings, gang intervention, home visitation, and health and human services. During the pandemic, Diane embraced the infinite horizon of virtual training possibilities, delivering hundreds of virtual hours of reflective practice content and experiential process, including grief work, resiliency and wellness activities, liberating structures, as well as poetry and inspiration to support COVID-exhausted hospital-based perinatal home visitation teams across Los Angeles County. Diane’s current and past clients include City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Emanate Health Welcome Baby, Connections for Children, Los Angeles Best Babies Network, MAMA’s Visits, Children’s Institute, Inc., Westside Infant Network, Reflective Supervision Collaborative, and Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health.

Price: AU$385 Duration: 7-hrs across two half day sessions Format: Live online

Dates are not set for this Training - please contact us to express your interest

All this training was missing is a HUG button. I felt like I understood my work family in a totally different light. The degree in which we all allow our vulnerabilities a spotlight was incredible.

Los Angeles, CA

I really liked that there were multiple ways to react via chat, voice, breakouts, and menti. That made it engaging and gave us an opportunity to all share in ways we felt comfortable. The facilitator’s voice was so welcoming and soothing, I also liked that nothing felt forced–sharing or turning on the cameras–I think this made people feel comfortable to open up and be vulnerable because it didn’t feel required. Diane a great job of making people’s voices feel heard and respecting people’s learning and sharing styles.

Los Angeles, CA

For the 1st time in my life, I was able to share one of my biggest previous workplace traumas in a group setting… it was healing for me as I realized it no longer came from a place of pain but rather from an experience while in the healing process and acceptance of my invisible disabilities. Thank you all for the safe space provided.

Los Angeles, CA
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