Diane Reynolds, LMFT, is a trainer, consultant, coach, and facilitator dedicated to advancing trauma- and equity-informed reflective practice, supervision, and leadership. A California Center endorsed Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Reflective Practice Facilitator with over 28 years in the field, she created the Mindful Parenting Groups model in 2001. Over two decades, she introduced this relationship-focused parent-infant group model to Early Head Start, the child welfare community, and mothers with co-occurring disorders, in Southern California and Queensland, Australia. Diane launched Reflective Praxis Consulting in 2017 to support growing need for professional development, organizational consultation, implementation support, and coaching in reflective practice, supervision, and leadership. She has introduced these transformative practices in primary and secondary educational settings, gang intervention, home visitation, and health and human services. During the pandemic, Diane embraced the infinite horizon of virtual training possibilities, delivering hundreds of virtual hours of reflective practice content and experiential process, including grief work, resiliency and wellness activities, liberating structures, as well as poetry and inspiration to support COVID-exhausted hospital-based perinatal home visitation teams across Los Angeles County. Diane’s current and past clients include City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Emanate Health Welcome Baby, Connections for Children, Los Angeles Best Babies Network, MAMA’s Visits, Children’s Institute, Inc., Westside Infant Network, Reflective Supervision Collaborative, and Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health.
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